
14 day board & train


Week 1:

Day 1:

  • Introduction to the program, basic obedience commands (sit, stay, come, etc.)
  • Introduction to leash training

Day 2:

  • Reinforcement of basic obedience commands
  • Leash training exercises (walking on a leash without pulling)
  • Introduction to crate training

Day 3:

  • Reinforcement of basic obedience commands
  • Advanced leash training exercises (heeling)
  • Introduction to “Off” and “place” commands

Day 4:

  • Reinforcement of basic obedience commands
  • Crate training exercises
  • Introduction to agility training (confidence building, strength etc.)

Day 5:

  • Reinforcement of basic obedience commands
  • Introduction to socialization training (interacting with other dogs and people)
  • Advanced agility and strength  training exercises

Day 6:

  • Reinforcement of basic obedience commands
  • Leash training exercises with distractions (other dogs, people, etc.)
  • Review of all commands learned so far

Day 7:

  • Rest and Recover day.

Week 2:

Day 8:

  • Introduction to advanced obedience commands (down, stay, come when called)
  • Advanced socialization training exercises

Day 9:

  • Reinforcement of advanced obedience commands
  • Advanced leash training exercises (off-leash training, recall)

Day 10:

  • Reinforcement of advanced obedience commands
  • Crate training exercises
  • Advanced agility and strength training exercises

Day 11:

  • Reinforcement of advanced obedience commands
  • Introduction to advanced socialization training (crowded areas, public transport, etc.)

Day 12:

  • Reinforcement of advanced obedience commands
  • Leash training exercises with distractions (other dogs, people, etc.)
  • Review of all commands learned so far

Day 13:

  • Reinforcement of all learned commands
  • Advanced agility training exercises
  • Advanced socialization training exercises

Day 14:

  • Final review of all commands learned
  • Graduation day and celebration!

7 day board & train


Week 1:

Day 1:

  • Introduction to the program, basic obedience commands (sit, stay, come, etc.)
  • Introduction to leash training

Day 2:

  • Reinforcement of basic obedience commands
  • Leash training exercises (walking on a leash without pulling)
  • Introduction to crate training

Day 3:

  • Reinforcement of basic obedience commands
  • Advanced leash training exercises (heeling)
  • Introduction to “Off” and “place” commands

Day 4:

  • Reinforcement of basic obedience commands
  • Crate training exercises
  • Introduction to agility training (confidence building, strength etc.)

Day 5:

  • Reinforcement of basic obedience commands
  • Introduction to socialization training (interacting with other dogs and people)
  • Advanced agility and strength  training exercises

Day 6:

  • Reinforcement of basic obedience commands
  • Leash training exercises with distractions (other dogs, people, etc.)
  • Review of all commands learned so far

Day 7:

  • Final review of all commands learned
  • Graduation day and celebration!

weekly adventure hikes/activities


this program will change per  season, right now we are offering adventure hikes and obedience around mountain/conventional bikes.


1. four sessions, two hours, once weekly.


2. Pick up and drop off from home or work.


3. two hour activity training as offered.


as we come into spring and summer we will be excited to release our water activities programs such as, paddle board training, kayak training, general swimming and water confidence and safety.